Thursday, February 20, 2020

Good species Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Good species - Essay Example Second is the United Nation which replaced the League of Nation established in the year 1945 purposed to promote peace and stop chaos between nation-states. Third, is the global World Trade Organization (WTO), established to encourage free trade between nations. Fourth, are the regional organizations e.g. EU, NATO, AOS and AU and Product-specific IGOs like OPEC (Campbell, MacKinnon, and Stevens 51-121). NGOs, on the other hand, are private and individualized organizations that are free from government involvement. There are three classes of NGOs that are the environmental, humanitarian/Human rights and development. Environmental NGOs have obligations to promote clean and natural environment globally. Environmental NGOs duties involve the initiation of water, land and air clean-up; animal, landscape and resource preservation; and maintainable land use and resources (Campbell, MacKinnon, and Stevens 51-121). Development NGOs offers aid to promote social, political and economic growth in third world countries. Its efforts are on the expansion of economic and social structures, which enhance communities and terminate poverty in the society. Development NGOs duties involves school establishment, offering small loans to individuals, establishment of health-care amenities and programs, and providing farming education to the communities (Campbell, MacKinnon, and Stevens 51-121). Humanitarian/ Human rights NGOs have the obligation to supervise and report all abuses to human rights. Amnesty International is the most eminent NGOs responsible in researching and taking actions to stop and prevent human rights abuses. The organization carry out its duties with the guidance of rights reserved in Universal Declaration of Human Rights; rights that ask all the governments and other potent bodies obey the law. The organization duties involve various operations formulated to terminate women violence,

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